Bash Prompt in dev-c7

It is useful to have a way to tell you are inside of the developer container. By default your bash prompt will look exactly the same inside and out of the container.

You can fix this in one of two ways.

Modify .bashrc_local

Preferred Solution

The file $HOME/.bashrc_local is sourced by bash for each shell that you launch and it is a place to put your personal settings.

Add the following to the end of the file in order to have an indicator that you are inside the developer container.

if [[ -f /etc/centos-release ]] ; then
    export PS1="[C7] ${PS1}"

This updates the PS1 prompt that you see on the command line with a prefix of [C7].

Change the hostname

Typically the PS1 prompt shows you which host you are on. You can change the name of the host inside the container to give you an indicator that you are in the developer container.

When using the launch script for initial creation of the container you can pass a hostname of your choice as follows.

c7 -s my-hostname


If you are working remotely and launching the container from an ssh session changing the hostname will cause X11 apps to fail.