More Features

This tutorial takes you through a few additional features provided by the launch script.


To see optional parameters, run the launch script with -h:

$  c7 -h

usage: c7 [options]

Launches a developer container that simulates a DLS RHEL7 workstation.


    -h              show this help
    -l              Enable logging
    -p              pull an updated version of the image first
    -i image        specify the container image (default:
    -v version      specify the image version (default: latest)
    -s host         set a hostname for your container (default:
    -d              delete previous container and start afresh
    -n              run in podman virtual network instead of the host network
    -c command      run a command in the container (must be last option)
    -I              Install .devcontainer/devcontainer.json in the current directory for vscode
    -g              enable X11 GUI for containers launched via ssh (only required with -r)
    -r              run as root


The default behaviour is that c7 will use the latest container version in the registry on first invocation. When it launches and attaches to the container it will report the version you are currently using.

c7 will not pick up new releases of the container image unless you explicitly ask it to pull the latest again:

c7 -dp

If you would like to roll back to a previous version of the container then use the -v option:

c7 -dv 2.2.0

To check what versions of the image are available, take a look at the github container registry for this project


Note that the container should be considered ephemeral. The system partition can be changed and you have full sudo rights, but note:

  • Changes inside the container such as yum install will be persisted, but only until it is deleted.

  • Deletion is under your control, see below. However you will always need to do a delete before updating to a new version. Therefore it is a bad idea to accumulate many changes inside of the container.

  • If you have permanent additions to the container that you would like to implement, see Derive your own container image

Deleting the container

To reset the container back to its original state we ask podman to stop it and delete it.


Everything running in your container will be terminated when you do this. Make sure you have saved your work and closed all applications.

The following will stop the container and delete it’s state. All dev-c7 shells and any GUI apps launched from them will be closed:

podman rm -ft0 dev-c7

When you next launch the container, it will be started with its file system initialized back to the default state specified in the image at

You can also ask c7 to perform the delete for you with -d.


Any changes you have made to the container itself will be lost when you execute the above command. This includes any yum install and any changes to the operating system files. See How the dev-c7 Container Works for more detail. To permanently persist changes see Derive your own container image.

Upgrade to a new c7 launcher version

If the script has acquired new features you may want to update as follows:

cd $HOME/bin
rm c7
wget -nc
chmod +x c7

c7 -d # -d deletes previous container to start afresh

Also update your devcontainer.json to match for projects you want to also upgrade.