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This has been deprecated in favour of setuptools_scm and is no longer maintained

VersionGit is a tool for managing the version number of Python modules, removing the need to update an embedded version string whenever a Git tag is made, and providing sensible development version numbers too. It does this by storing a single file in the source repo that reads the version from git describe or git archive keywords. At build time, this file is modified in the distribution to contain a static version number to be used in preference to this. This tool is inspired by versioneer, but has a vastly reduced feature set so that the code stored in each module is minimal.


pip install versiongit

Source code




To make VersionGit easier to embed, all its code is dedicated to the public domain. The that it creates is also in the public domain. Specifically, both are released under the Creative Commons “Public Domain Dedication” license (CC0-1.0)

How the documentation is structured

Documentation is split into four categories, accessible from links in the side-bar.


Tutorials for installation, library and commandline usage. New users start here.

How-to Guides

Practical step-by-step guides for the more experienced user.


Explanation of how the library works and why it works that way.


Technical reference material, for classes, methods, APIs, commands, and contributing to the project.