Source code for aioca.types

from datetime import datetime  # noqa
from typing import List, Sized, Tuple, Type, Union

from typing_extensions import Literal, Protocol

#: A timeout is represented by one of the following
#: ======== ============================================================
#: None     A timeout that never expires
#: 0        Timeout immediately if any waiting is required
#: float    A relative timeout interval in seconds
#: (float,) An absolute deadline in seconds past epoch
#: ======== ============================================================
Timeout = Union[None, Tuple[float], float]

#: A bitwise or of DBE event codes from
#: ============ ===========================================================
#: DBE_VALUE    Trigger an event when a significant change in the channel's
#:              value occurs. Relies on the monitor deadband field on the
#:              server
#: DBE_LOG      Trigger an event when an archive significant change in the
#:              channel's value occurs. Relies on the archiver monitor
#:              deadband field on the server
#: DBE_ALARM    Trigger an event when the alarm state changes
#: DBE_PROPERTY Trigger an event when a property change (control limit,
#:              graphical limit, status string, enum string ...) occurs.
#: ============ ===========================================================
#: If not specified then the default value depends on the requested `Format`
#: ============ =============================================
#: Format       Default value for events
#: ============ =============================================
#: ============ =============================================
Dbe = Union[None, int]

#: A DBR request code from One of
#: ==================== ================================================
#: DBR_STRING           40 character strings
#: DBR_SHORT            16 bit signed
#: DBR_FLOAT            32 bit float
#: DBR_ENUM             16 bit unsigned
#: DBR_CHAR             8 bit unsigned
#: DBR_LONG             32 bit signed
#: DBR_DOUBLE           64 bit float
#: DBR_PUT_ACKT         Configure global alarm acknowledgement
#: DBR_PUT_ACKS         Acknowledge global alarm
#: DBR_STSACK_STRING    Returns status ack structure
#: DBR_CLASS_NAME       Returns record type (same as .RTYP)
#: DBR_ENUM_STR         Enums as strings, default otherwise
#: DBR_CHAR_BYTES       Long byte strings as char arrays
#: DBR_CHAR_UNICODE     Long unicode strings as char arrays
#: DBR_CHAR_STR         Long strings as char arrays
#: ==================== ================================================
Dbr = Literal[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 35, 36, 37, 38, 996, 997, 998, 999]

#: The format of the requested data can be one of the following
#: ==================== ================================================
#: None (the default)   In this case the "native" datatype provided
#:                      by the channel will be returned
#: A `Dbr` value        To request this type from the IOC
#: A python type        Compatible with any of the above values,
#:                      such as int, float or str
#: A numpy dtype        Compatible with any of the above values
#: ==================== ================================================
Datatype = Union[None, Dbr, Type]

#: How much auxilliary information will be returned with the retrieved data.
#: From, one of the following
#: ============ ===========================================================
#: FORMAT_RAW   The data is returned unaugmented except for the .name field
#: FORMAT_TIME  The data is augmented by the data timestamp together with
#:              .alarm .status and .severity fields.
#: FORMAT_CTRL  The data is augmented by channel access "control" fields.
#:              This set of fields depends on the underlying datatype
#: ============ ===========================================================
Format = Literal[0, 1, 2]

#: How many array elements to retrieve from the server. One of the following
#: ======== ============================================================
#: 0        Server and data dependent waveform length
#: -1       The full data length
#: +ve int  A maximum of this number of elements
#: ======== ============================================================
Count = Union[Literal[0, -1], int]

[docs]class AugmentedValue(Protocol, Sized): """Protocol representing a value returned from `caget` or `camonitor` The value itself depends on the number of values requested for the PV. If only one value is requested then the value is returned as a scalar, otherwise as a numpy array. The value will also be "augmented" with extra fields depending on the `Format` and `Datatype` of the pv, and if the operation was successful. Every value has the `ok` and `name` fields. If `ok` is False then `errorcode` is set to the appropriate ECA error code and str(value) will return an appropriate error message. If `ok` is True then `datatype` and `element_count` will be present. If FORMAT_TIME is requested then `status`, `severity`, `timestamp` and `raw_stamp` will be present If FORMAT_CTRL is requested then `status` and `severity` will be present, along with other `Dbr` specific fields: - DBR_SHORT, DBR_CHAR, DBR_LONG will also have `units`, `upper_disp_limit`, `lower_disp_limit`, `upper_alarm_limit`, `lower_alarm_limit`, `upper_warning_limit`, `lower_warning_limit`, `upper_ctrl_limit`, `lower_ctrl_limit` - DBR_FLOAT, DBR_DOUBLE will have the DBR_LONG fiels together with a `precision` field - DBR_ENUM will have `enums` - DBR_STRING does not support FORMAT_CTRL, so FORMAT_TIME data is returned instead """ #: Name of the PV used to create this value name: str #: True for normal data, False for error code ok: bool #: ECA error code errorcode: int #: Underlying `Dbr` code datatype: int #: Number of elements in the underlying EPICS value. If this is not 1 then the #: value is treated as an array, otherwise up to this many elements may be #: present in the value. element_count: int #: EPICS alarm severity, normally one of the values listed below. #: #: = ================================== #: 0 No alarm #: 1 Alarm condition, minor severity #: 2 Alarm condition, major severity. #: 3 Invalid value. #: = ================================== severity: int #: CA status code, the reason for severity status: int #: Record timestamp in raw format as provided by EPICS (but in the local Unix #: epoch, not the EPICS epoch). Is a tuple of the form ``(secs, nsec)`` with #: integer seconds and nanosecond values, provided in case full ns timestamp #: precision is required. raw_stamp: Tuple[int, int] #: Timestamp in seconds in format compatible with ``time.time()`` rounded to #: the nearest microsecond: for nanosecond precision use `raw_stamp` #: instead. timestamp: float #: This is a dynamic property which returns `timestamp` as a #: `datetime` value, taking local time into account datetime: datetime units: str #: Units for display upper_disp_limit: float #: Upper limit for displaying value lower_disp_limit: float #: Lower limit for displaying value upper_alarm_limit: float #: Above this limit value in alarm lower_alarm_limit: float #: Below this limit value in alarm upper_warning_limit: float #: Above this limit is a warning lower_warning_limit: float #: Below this limit is a warning upper_ctrl_limit: float #: Upper limit for puts to this value lower_ctrl_limit: float #: Lower limit for puts to this value precision: int #: Display precision for floating point values enums: List[str] #: Enumeration strings for ENUM type #: Used for global alarm acknowledgement. Do transient alarms have #: to be acknowledged? (0,1) means (no, yes). ackt: int #: Used for global alarm acknowledgement. The highest alarm severity to #: acknowledge. If the current alarm severity is less then or equal to #: this value the alarm is acknowledged. acks: int